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AVBundle® Guide
This unique product consists of a complete pre-written drill design, packaged with 3 to 5 musical compositions or arrangements. Designed for the band with individual budget or time restrictions, the AVBundle brings some of the world's best composers, arrangers, and drill designers into your band room. Six unique series' offer grade 1* up to competitive grade 4 drill and music. Each drill is easy to adapt to most any band's instrumentation with drill sizes for small to large bands**. Musical themes include a wide variety of classical, symphonic, broadway and rock/pop.
*Our grade 1 series is specifically designed for beginner and "Friday-night" bands. They are ideal for those bands without the time or resources to put together a complex field show and/or simply want a crowd-pleasing production. Competitive use is left to the discretion of the customer.
**See individual show information for available drill sizes.