FIRE Series
The first glimpse of the unknown... the promise of the exotic... the wonder of A New World.
In this stunning program, Fannin Musical Productions has cleverly literalized the subtitle of Dvorák's beloved Symphony No. 9, sending your students on a thrilling tour of an alien "new world," abounding with possibilities. What secrets does this lush, extraterrestrial jungle hold?
Find out for yourself, all while performing one of the most classic and instantly recognizable orchestral themes in the repertoire.
Send the contest audience home humming your show to themselves---and looking up at the night sky in wonder!
This complete, flexible, competitive show includes:
- Flexible charts with permission to rearrange wind and percussion parts as needed
- Basic percussion scoring for smaller drum lines and enhanced percussion scoring for full drum lines
- Electronic sound design (optional)
- Full ensemble MP3s with and without a click
- Flexible and adaptable drill design PDF (multiple band size options, coordinate sheets, instructions)
- Pyware® file included for director customization
- Musician and color guard choreography
- Color guard costumes and flags available from Band Shoppe.
- Copyright-free prop artwork design files
- Copyright-free logo for band shirts, posters, etc.
- Permission to record, film, perform, and post on social media
- Synchronization license
- Helpful tips and instructions to help you personalize your show
Please note: Regional exclusivity of usage is not included. Customizations are the responsibility of the purchasing ensemble. Neither Alfred Music nor Fannin Musical Productions will provide customizations after purchase.